Registration from June 3 to June 26. There is no pre-registration or pre-meetings.
Registration for all classes of 7e
To enrol, please hand in the documents provided by the elementary school at LAML from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. , or send them by post:
The following registration documents are required:
- a copy of the academic Orientation decision,
- Completed registration form (available from the Primary School Teacher),
- a copy of the report from the end of the 4thcycle,
- a residence certificate issued in the name of the student (to be downloaded from or request from the local authority)
- a copy of the pages “Transversal skills”, “the pupil in his learning” and “the pupil in his class” of the intermediate assessment,
- a recent photo of the pupil.
Parents will receive a reply by post before the 15th July.
Registration for music and dance or mulltisport class:
- Put a note that the student wants to attend a music and dance or a multisport class on the first page of the Demande d’inscription à une classe de 7e… form received from the teacher.
- Add a letter of motivation from the student to the application form.
If you have any further questions, please call 2604-3902 or email us at
This offer is only available for 7e classic.
Registration for other classes
Registration for grades 6e through 1re cannot be applied for until after the Easter break for the next school year, except in exceptional circumstances. To do so, you must fill out an application and attach the current year’s report card(s). The student will then be admitted to a class according to the profile and if places are available.